As the result of a flippant comment from deejay on surfers, a small gathering was organised for the 19th-21st June 1998.

The final cast list went as follows : deeJay, Dizzy, tND, Jaq, Liviy, Lurker, nebby, nightshyfte, Phlebas, Spire, Jackal, Maxx, Tictac, Badguy, Legna, MrWhite, Nairn, Narenek, Acidburn, Blob (remember dear, hatter knows best), ybanrab, nefilim, crest/trustnoone, Calis and vimto. I don't think I missed anyone out, but if I did, mail me and I'll fix the list. Everyone either spods on Surfers>, Snowplains or Caves if you want to try and track anyone down.

Lies Inc News File

This meet was rather low on the scandals and lies side of things, mainly because everyone we only mentioned it to people who know each other and get on pretty well.

Friday night was spent in The George, known to all as The Gloucester. Somehow deejay and I managed to come up with the same, wrong, name independantly. Fortunately, everyone came armed with Liviys phone number, and I don't think anyone managed to miss us.

Saturday began around 1pm with food at Wong Kei's, then we split off various ways for assorted shopping. About half a dozen of us ended at Haagen-Dazs, Covent Garden, and then made our way back to meep towers, picking up ybanrab on the way, and on from there to a pub by the river in Chiswick, where we were joined Acidburn, Nairn and Maxx. We nattered the night away, then once again, most of us went home to our own beds (a meet isn't quite the same without dozens of spods desparately trying to blag floorspace) Tictac and Liviy ended up at meep towers that night, which had plenty of spare room for nefilim and Valkyrie when they came round, and phlebas when he came back from Slimelight early sunday morning.

At tn1's suggestion, TicTac, Liviy, lazarus, neffy and myself went to find tn1 and calis at the Cabbage Patch in Twickenham on sunday, where deejay, blob and ybanrab came to join us for a pretty reasonable roast dinner. More random chatting and kicking back ensued, as well as a fair bit of pager- and mobile phone-waving, seeing who had the strangest features, and whose vibrated most, and for longest. All good, wholesome fun for all the family. Which is why it's puzzling that we were the only people left in the dining area after a while.

By this time, it was getting late in the day, so we disappeared off our separate ways once more.

All in all, it was a pleasant, laid back weekend, at least from my perspective, so hopefully something like this will get not-planned again some time soon.

There was a camera going round, but I've yet to see any photos, I'll add the URL here if I ever hear about its existance.

This page is subject to the standard Lies Inc. disclaimer. ie everything is made up entirely, any resemblance to real persons, or even to spods, is entirely unintentional. So there.