The photopage that should never have been allowed

At last these piccies make it into the outside world. I'm not actually to blame for most of the camera work, it's mostly Rabies doing (which is why he's in so few of them and I'm in so many). This page has all the interesting photos (IMNSHO) and you can find a random assortment of group photos and other stuff by clicking on the letter 'R' in this word.

Alternatively, rachel has a page of photos here.

Porthos, Athos and Thermos
aka Rabies, Slaine and the hatter.

In the finest tradition, the mortals did profer quantities of chocolate hobnobs amoungst the Gods of Olympus.

It's Nicolai. With a plushy strawberry on his head. Did you really need me to tell you that ?

Yuck. It's Tim. Getting licked by Jackal. And he's not even putting up a fight !

If it wasn't for Jigsaw wrapping herself around Gazz, you'd see a very shocked expression on Gazzs face.

Oolon looking, er, well, it's just Oolon looking.

Some people might ask just what Scrappy is doing. Others wouldn't be so foolish, and would pay little attention to the smile on Tims face. No one would dare ask just where his hands are, either. Ruddles saw. Nobody noticed any change of his behaviour.